Joseph Marples Try & Mitre Squares

joseph marples try and mitre square
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J.Marples Try & Mitre Square Review By: I.Ball

Category: Squares

Manufacturer: Joseph Marples
Tool Type: Try & Mitre Square
Model No's: 19T, 19W


The Joseph Marples try and mitre square review covers the try and mitre square manufactured by Joseph Marples Ltd of Sheffield, England.

The Joseph Marples try and mitre square is almost identical to the Joseph Marples try squares with the main exception being the stock has been cut at a 45 degree angle for marking mitre joints.

The stock is made from a choice of Rosewood or Walnut with a solid brass plate fitted to the internal edge.

The stock is secured to the tempered, blued steel blade with the use of either brass round rivets or brass diamonds with steel rivets.

The stock is marked in gold writing with the Joseph Marples logo.

joseph marples try and mitre square

The Joseph Marples squares are made to the British Standard BS3322 with each square checked twice during the making of the tool for accuracy and once again just before leaving the factory.

The try and mitre squares are made in two designs both of which have a 9 inch blade.

The difference between the two designs are purely between the rivet design:

- Number 19T - has steel rivets with inlaid brass diamonds

- Number 19W - has brass circular rivets

Joseph Marples Ltd advertise the Rosewood used as coming from managed, sustainable sources.

joseph marples try and mitre square

The Joseph Marples tools are made in the 'York Works' factory in Sheffield, England. The current 'York Works' factory was purpose built in 2001. Note: there was also an early Joseph Marples factory called the 'York Works'.

The Marples name has a long history in tool making. Different factions of the Marples name have been synonomous with good hand tools for many, many, many years.

Joseph Marples Ltd continues the family line of Joseph Marples which has a lineage back to the 1840's.

The tools made today combine modern technology and traditional manufacturing methods to produce traditional tools.

For more information on the history of Joseph Marples go to the Joseph Marples history page.

joseph marples try and mitre square no 19

Manufactured Dates

<1990 - Today

Joseph Marples 'Trial 1' Square History / Updates

From my observations, I believe in around 2019 Joseph Marples began offering Walnut alternatives to their Rosewood tools due I would imagine in part to the approaching new CITES updates on the import/export of Rosewood. From what I saw, the Rosewood version remained the popular option amongst retailers and woodworkers at this time in the UK.

From my observations, the choice of Walnut began becoming a mainstream option in around 2020-2021 when I believe there were Rosewood supply problems to the UK (possibly globally), I believe due to Covid related disruption, this I would imagine opened the door for some retailers to start stocking the Walnut version.

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- Joseph Marples Ltd


(i) Please always refer to and follow the manufacturer's instructions / guidelines / safety notices / cautions and similar notices as the manufacturer's instructions may contain important information on safety, personal safety and the good health of your tool, something to which this review's scope does not guarantee to extend to.
(ii) This review may give warning(s) / advisory notes / cautions / guidelines given in good faith however any such information should not be solely relied upon and should not be seen as the exhaustive list of warnings / advisory notes / cautions / guidelines. Refer to disclaimer note (i) for information on safety, as well as the good health of your tool. In addition refer to good safety practices for the safety of you and others. Refer to good practices for the good health of your tool and property.
(iii) The details here are given in good faith, there is scope for error and shouldn't be fully relied upon, please be aware the details may also become out of date due to manufacturer changes to the product, please confirm any details for yourself by performing additional research from reliable sources.

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